AfA #45 – Simbabwe

Featuring Tifa & Sima

0:02:40 Interview 1: Tafadzwa (Tifa) Mwazungunya [ENG]1:04:30 Interview 2: Simakuhle (Sima) Ncube [DE/ENG]

Part 1: Joining from Ankara this week is sociology student Tifa (left image) who takes us through the Geography, History and Present of her home country. We are talking among many other topics about the Great Zimbabwe Monument, the colonial times of Rhodesia and the controversial legacy of president Robert Mugabe. For more information on the latter click here.

Part 2: The German side of today’s podcast is covered from Cologne by Sima (right image) . Despite her demanding job as a nurse during this Corona pandemic she took the time to tell us her story. Although having settled in Germany since 2017, Sima still remains active in her home country with her NGO project Mmogo Trust, which helps to raise school fees for children in need. Find out more.

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